Profil użytkownika queerdelys

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BAD HORROR CLUB: Noc Oczyszczenia: Anarchia

Tak to jest w tym Hollywood. Nie wyszło im za pierwszym razem, więc postanowili nakręcić sequel. Film, o którym wszyscy wiedzą, a nikt oglądać nie chce. Wiele jest takich, ale niewiele w świecie hmmm…horroru?
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Oscarowe Łot De Fak

Nie wiem, kiedy ostatnio pisałam do Filmastera, no po prostu nie wiem. Ale wiem za to, że od czasu iks próbuję się za to pisanie zabrać, ale jak to mówią: jak nie urok, to sraczka, i nagle minęło kilka
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Kupiliśmy Zoo (2011)

I’ve been thinking for a while about the strong enough sentence to open this review. Finally I have one. AVOID THIS MOVIE IF YOU HAVE EVER SEEN ANY FILM BEFORE. Otherwise, find something entertaining to
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Anonimus (2011)

My London Film Festival ended up with non festival related press screening of Anonymous by Roland Emmerich. First of all- WHAT? Why would any organiser of any respectable festival decided to screen this
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Rzeź (2011)

From trendsetter of filmmaking Polanski has turned into movie making machine. His technically perfect films are deprived of humanity and small imperfections which make a film interesting, unique and innovative.
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Musimy porozmawiać o Kevinie (2011)

With her almost lizardy face, almond shaped eyes, doll like paleness and boyish expressions, Tilda Swinton is simply hypnotising type of beauty. And so is her performance in the almost perfect adaptation
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Przyszłość (2011)

This is one of these films where being memorable is not necessarily a compliment for the creators. Unfortunately I still remember The Future well enough to write a review on it, but I secretly hope that
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Day One London Film Festival

The first day of London Film Festival can be called a little depressing morality lesson. I don't know if it is just me, but I think that for the first day, and for such early hours, the choice of press
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Wojownik (2011)

I couldn't stop myself from reading some reviews before I entered the cinema, thus I knew beforehand that Warrior would be one of these epic Academy Awards films that most of people will like. I normally
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Jeden dzień (2011)

I haven't read the book, so I am probably the closest to the perfect audience for this film as you can get. My mind hasn't been influenced by beautifully written material and I have no requirements when
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Stosunki międzymiastowe (2010)

I get some guilty pleasure from watching romantic comedies, but it hurts when I see the one which would actually be a good film, if it wasn't a romantic comedy. This is the case of Going the Distance to
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Turnout (2011)

Sophie and George come from too different environments. She is a middle class girl who goes to work in the City every day, has sushi for a lunch and shops at Mark Jacobs. George lives in a council building
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Kłamstewka (2010)

First of all, and I have no idea how many times should I repeat it, so everyone gets it- Beautiful Lies is nothing like Amelie. The only thing that is common for both of these films is Audrey Toutou, nothing
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Szefowie wrogowie (2011)

I should start with the information that I am not very keen on comedies. Actually, there are hardly any that I truly like so for me writing a review on one and persuading you, my dear audience that my
queerdelys opublikował(a) recenzję filmu: queerdelys

Legion (2010)

Droga Esme, Kiedyś napisałam, że Skyline jest najgorszym filmem, jaki w życiu widziałam. Pamiętam też, że od tamtej pory w Twoich komentarzach do moich recenzji zaczął pojawiać się nieustannie ten sam
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Wyznania zakupoholiczki (2009)

Morał z całej tej historii jest taki, że najłatwiej pozbyć się uzależnienia karmiąc uzależnienie innych ludzi. A tytuł filmu to ‘Wyznania Zakupocholiczki’. Temat jest mi zupełnie obcy, albowiem mój
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Thor (2011) woooooooooooow By
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Woda dla słoni (2011)

I need to say, I'm a lazy bastard when it comes to reviewing non horror, average films. Water For Elephants is one of them, so in a lazy style, I'm just going to show you this: He
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Dziewczyna w czerwonej pelerynie (2011)

Remember the story of Red Riding Hood? Well, Catherine Hardwicke doesn’t. Nor does the writer of the film, which as a whole can be summed up as a manifesto of why there are not that many female movie
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Uwaga uwaga

Dla tych, ktørzy nie mogą doczekać się mojej kolejnej wspaniałej recenzji na Bad Horror Club, a ktorzy władają językiem angielskim, daję linka do mojej recenzji dziadowskiego horroru The Roommate. Dla